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We welcome and affirm people of all abilities. We want to make sure that no one is excluded from full participation in the life of the congregation. Our sanctuary is fully accessible for those with limited mobility and/or using mobility aids. Large print hymnals are available.
Our Mission
To those who visit our community, we offer a warm welcome and an invitation to join us.
In a world that often seems exclusive rather than accepting, and dogmatic rather than open to a spectrum of individual spirituality, we are working to create meaningful connections.
We are continually striving to become a community of inspiration to seekers, and of solace to those in distress.
All who are looking for a religious community and searching for answers to life’s compelling questions can find a home here.
We have crafted this mission statement to reflect our spirit of person-to-person connection, and our determination to bring compassion and healing to our local community and to the larger world.