Sometimes I find that the events of the world cut deep into my heart – and it hurts too much, and I sometimes don’t know what to do with the pain of the world. We have just experienced temperatures unprecedented – with the distinct and real possibility that this is only the beginning. And now, as I write, my heart is aching as I absorb the recent news of 182 more unmarked graves – this time in Cranbrook – and knowing that there is more to come.

It’s hard not to feel the pain, particularly as we engage in spiritual practices that encourage us to open our hearts to the world. Let us remember that the goal of many mystical paths is to deeply open yourself to the experience in front of you – whether it’s joy or pain – until ultimately, the weeping and the joy comes together – the places where your passion for the world intersect with the heartbreak of the world – and simply be there.
Each week our summer Chalice Lighter will have invitations for you to take time and remember the joy during our living and loving this summer. Take time to feel, to look around and truly see what’s there, to listen deeply to each other, and to truly be in this world with your full self. To open yourself fully to the joy in the word amid the tragedy.
We remind ourselves that Love is the answer. We are “allied” with no one and with nothing but love—the larger Love transcending all our understanding, within which all the different, differing, gorgeously various, variant, beautifully deviant aspects of ourselves are bound together in elegant unity.
For this reason, I invite you to join me in wearing orange as much as possible this summer. I plan on painting orange rocks with messages and leaving them around for people to find. Play and laugh as much as you can while at the same time opening yourself up to the pain and tragedy of the world. For when we do, we become people of the chalice – people who are able to be a compassionate, sane presence in these times of which we live.
May it be so.