Social Action
As Unitarian Universalists, we are called to work for love and justice, and we have a long, proud history of doing so in Canada and beyond.
The Canadian Unitarian Council encourages coordinated action by its congregations, as well as individual efforts, on matters of social concern. Resolutions dating back to 1963 demonstrate the passion that Unitarian Universalists dedicate to social justice and environmental issues.
South Fraser Unitarian Congregation is active in a number of Social Justice initiatives. Explore some of the topics below.

Black Lives Matter
Racism is a major social issue. We acknowledge there is systemic racism and targeted violence impacts communities of colour disproportionately. We work to end racial discrimination and injustice, starting within ourselves and moving out into the world around us. We advocate against racist policies like mass imprisonment and attacks on voting rights. We are committed to harnessing the power of love to dismantle racism and white supremacy across our communities and to creating spaces inclusive of people of all races, ethnicities, and cultural backgrounds.
Check out the Dismantling Racism Study Group.
Poverty Alleviation
We’ve made a commitment to our three local food banks Langley, White Rock/South Surrey, and North Surrey. The third Sunday of the month, our collections go to support this cause. At the end of the year, it is divided up equally between the three.

Truth & Reconciliation
SFUC acknowledges the impact of residential schools. The devastating impact that racism and white privilege have on First Nations people in Canada are being explored by the congregation through workshops, book groups, and local native teachers.
We also explore native spirituality and healing with speakers from the community.
Learn more at the Canadian Unitarian Council Truth, Healing and Reconciliation webpage.

Since 2008, SFUC has been recognized as a Welcoming Congregation, offering a warm welcome to LGBTQ2S+ people, and integrating them into all aspects of congregational life.
From its inception, Unitarian Universalists have been active in promoting values of human rights and global justice at the United Nations.
After 50 years of the Unitarian Universalist Association Office at the UN, the UU Service Committee recently inherited the tasks of promoting our shared values on the global stage.

Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice is a vibrary network of Unitarian social action that proactvely represents Unitarian principles and values in matters of social justice.
Please see their website for all the latest in Canadian social justice news.

Environmental Issues
We are proud to have a representative to the BC Climate Emergency Campaign.
We also have dedicated members who share their knowledge on Zero Waste and Ethical & Local eating practices so that we can all participate in taking care of our beautiful planet.