We conduct Sunday worship services both online and in-person via “watch parties.” Some people choose to gather together and share the experience of the services with the minister—in person. Others are happy to participate via Zoom.
We gently transform the Christian sanctuary at Penninsula United Church with our chalice and banners. Whether attending in-person or virtually, you will be greeted by a member when you join us. An “Order of Service” is distributed via email on the day of the service. Those who are joining the watch party can print their own copies and bring them along.
The one hour service has the basic components of: Welcome, Announcements, Prelude, Chalice Lighting, Joys and Concerns, Sermon, and Chalice Extinguishing. Singing and musical selections are part of every worship. After service, SFUC hosts a coffee hour. We sit and have genuine, conversations with friends old and new. Online, we also stay after the service and chat with others in the main Zoom room or, sometimes, in breakout rooms.
You are welcome at South Fraser Unitarian Congregation. We are embracing of spiritual practices, beliefs, welcoming of all genders and sexual orientations, and accessible to people of all abilities.