
We gather once a month in spiritual community. We search for meaning and inspiration. We seek more wisdom, connection, and compassion. We gently transform the Christian sanctuary at Penninsula United Church with our chalice and banners.

Our worship services weave together our own thoughts and experiences with music, beauty, poetry, and words that both comfort and challenge.

Our services are led by lay leaders or guest speakers and provide insight on a range of topics. They are usually about an hour long. Our musicians and choir provide a wide range of music, including classical, traditional hymns, gospel songs, and contemporary songs.

Familiar Unitarian service elements include: meditation, lighting the chalice, sharing individual joys or concerns, readings (both ancient and modern), and topical sermons. The wide-ranging presentation stimulate our intellect, nourish our souls and open our hearts.

We do celebrate Christmas and Easter. We also honour solstice and equinox with labyrinth walks.

You are welcome at South Fraser Unitarian Congregation. We are embracing of spiritual practices, beliefs, welcoming of all genders and sexual orientations, and accessible to people of all abilities.

When you visit

When you visit, you will be greeted by a member. After the service, please join us as we enjoy coffee, tea and snacks, and the opportunity to socialize and connect.


We use common Unitarian hymn books called “Singing the Living Tradition” and “Singing the Journey”. We augment these hymns with modern music, including that of BC songwriter Joyce Poley, musicologist Jason Shelton, and others.

Our choir is a group of people who find community, solace, and fun in singing together. Anyone is welcome to join the choir; no auditions…just fun!

We also have a group of ukelele enthusiasts. People of all ages are learning a few chords and sounding great in a short time.

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Want to sing along?

Our choir practices are usually held about an hour before services. If you’d like to participate, please contact Sylvia.

Our Music Director

Sylvia Zeelenberg is a highly dedicated volunteer who is passionate about music and the role it plays in building community.

Our Pianist

Leslie Chen creates a sacred space by playing several beautiful pieces each Sunday, ranging from contemporary to classical.

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