You Are a Blessing!

A blessing is whatever reminds us of the sacred loving presence that shines through all of us. Tara Brach’s post that contains a meditation on blessings of love. 

I’ve been giving a lot of thought of what it means to move from the theme of what it means to be a people of wholeness to a people of blessing – particularly in this time of COVID-19 and how we are living through it. 

I mean, think about it. This infection has forced us all to peel away all the layers of our lives. Everything about our lives has come to a complete standstill as we physically distance ourselves from each other. As we noted through the theme of wholeness, the cracks of our lives and our society are laid bare, stripped. We’re left with a number of things as our lives are laid bare – anxiety and fear are a part of what we feel in this place. Sometimes it’s just best to stick our heads in the sand and pretend it’s not really happening – and yet we’re faced with the stark reality of the fact that it is happening each time we listen to the news, go out into our neighbourhoods and walk.

We are also left with sympathy for those who have been affected – aware of those who have compromised immune systems who are completely isolated in their homes. Our hearts have been broken open as we take in the news of the shooting in Nova Scotia – for those who have lost their lives, been injured, and for those who have lost loved ones in this tragedy. Our hearts have grown bigger as we gain a new appreciation for our first responders, our health care workers – and yes, even our grocery clerks. 

And we are moved to tears when we see the incredible acts of kindness that are shown. Each time we give wide berth to those we walk by, each time we physically distance ourselves in the grocery store, each time we see an incredible act of creativity with the hearts made in the spent blossoms on the grass, or the painted rocks, our hearts open to the sacredness of life, to the beauty of life. 

I’ve seen it in our community – for all of those who spend countless hours helping people connect online – thank you! For all of you who phone one or two people in our community each day or week – thank you! For all of you who work so hard to make our services happen – thank you! For all of you who serve countless hours on our Board – thank you! For all of you who do so much for this community that we all love – thank you! You are a blessing!

As we continue to meet online, I want you to know that each one of us is a blessing to this world and to this community. Be held in the deep and abiding love of this community and of spirit. When your fears and anxiety well up and threaten to overtake you, take a moment and breathe. Breathe into the love and strength of the community that is South Fraser Unitarians. Know that we are holding you in a blanket of blessings and love. 

Stay safe, be kind … and wash your hands! 

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