A Bittersweet Season

With Guest Minister Amanda Aikman

The most profound experiences of longing and sorrow are inextricably bound together with joy and beauty. Poignant feelings of nostalgia, regret, and yearning have the mysterious power to make us whole. Especially at this time, as summer begins, we are invited to open our hearts to these very human experiences.

This service will be held on May 26, 2024 at 3:30 pm both as an in-person watch party at the Peninsula United Church (formerly Sunnyside United Church) 15639 24 Ave in Surrey, and on zoom.

The Rev. Amanda Aikman is a retired Unitarian Universalist minister who for 25 years served churches in the Pacific Northwest, including (from 2012-2016) SFUC. Her sermons won over a dozen national sermon contests in the US. Fifteen of her plays, mostly short comedies, have been produced in the Seattle area, and she is the author of the racy 2023 novel, “Miss Lister’s Guest House.” She lives in Everett, Washington with her spouse, Nancy, who is busy saving the world one native plant at a time.