All In for Climate Justice

Photo by Cloris Ying on Unsplash

All In for Climate Justice: People, Power, Planet

Service Leader: Ann Bryce

Join us this Sunday as we engage in the Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office annual service. This year’s theme is All in for Climate Justice: People, Power, Planet. The term “climate justice” invites us to consider the climate crisis from the perspective of politics, social justice, and human rights, rather than simply a scientific, physical phenomenon. The fact of climate change has far more than meteorological implications: It will change the way that most species on Earth live. We recognize this as a justice issue because of the possibilities to organize and respond to the climate crisis in a way that prioritizes the needs of those people and communities that are most vulnerable. Rather than examining the scientific causes, impacts, and solutions, this year’s United Nations Sunday theme invites us to explore the human causes, impacts, and solutions.

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