Archives: Services

Back from Summer Break

We are now back from our summer break and look forward to seeing and being with you all again.

We will be meeting twice a month this year, on the second and fourth Sunday, at 3:30pm.

On the second Sunday each month, there will be … read more.

Music of Bruce Cockburn

Bruce Cockburn has been capturing in song the depth of the human experience while at the same time striving to make it better. We’ll explore the lessons his life has for us as we work to build the Beloved Community.

Lessons from the Fellowship of the Ring

When the movie series The Fellowship of the Ring burst onto the movie scene just over twenty years ago, a whole new generation fell in love with this classic epic fantasy adventure story. Join Rev. Samaya for an exploration of what lessons we can take from the Fellowship of the Ring.

Listening to be Changed

Moving from an individually focused culture to one that considers the impacts of the community requires the ability to listen deeply to one another. It is in this deep listening that we are profoundly changed as human beings.

Awaken to the Stillness

When considering the topic of Awakening I think of being roused out of sleep, to be jolted out of inactivity. Parker Palmer speaks of the idea of witnessing the wild animal of your soul, only by sitting still, quietly, together in the woods, in hopes of sneaking a peak at our shy souls. Let us explore what shifting our Awakening to stillness could lead to. 

It’s All About Love

When we hold love at the center of our being, we can awaken to new possibilities that were not possible before. What does it mean to hold love at the center of who we are as we make our way forward in an endemic world?

Invest in the Future

As Earth Day approaches we will focus on actions that nurture our beautiful blue green home. We are adaptive, we learn and change. We are part of the solution. Please join Diane, Dorothy and Donnie for an interactive exploration as we consider actions to support respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.