Speaker: Rev. Samaya Oakley

SamayaRev. Samaya Oakley has been the Minister of the South Fraser Unitarians since August 2016. She received her Masters of Divinity from the Vancouver School of Theology and has worked with Unitarian Universalist communities at the local, national and continental levels for the past twenty years.

Learn more about Rev. Samaya.

In the Beginning

In the Beginning  – Join us as we engage on an exploration of various creation stories and their implications for how we view and live on the earth.


The Places we Meet

The Places We Meet – The first in a sermon series on growing Beloved Community, join us as we explore the purpose the ecclesia as a chosen kinship circle within which our convictions are refined and our commitments come to life.

A Solstice Ritual

Winter Solstice is the shortest day and longest night of the year. Traditionally, it’s a time of both forbidding and expectancy as the longest night leads to the return of the sun. Together we will mark the time when the sun stands still. After service … read more.

The Sparkle and Bright of Peace

As the season of Sparkle and Bright unfolds around us the silent prayers of peace lie like hidden stars on a cloudy night. Join us as we explore what it means to inspire the world with peace and bring peace into our own lives.

The Gift of Presence

At this time of year time seems to stretch and take on new dimensions. Over the years i’ve learned to define these moments as the in-between moments. The wheel of time stops briefly and we are invited to be transformed. Let us explore the importance … read more.

Preparing for the Light

As the wheel of life turns towards winter’s low, dark sky we gather to prepare ourselves for the miracle of light as a sign of rebirth and a sign of hope. We gather as a community to celebrate the promise of new life and to … read more.

Moving Forward Together

Each one of us at South Fraser Unitarian Congregation contributes time and talent towards making our community one that we all hold dear in our hearts. Join us as we explore what it means to live a life that connects, changes, and cares. As we … read more.

Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude has the ability to transform our lives into ones of great meaning and joy.  How do we nurture that sacred space of thankfulness in our souls and in our everyday reality?

Building Beloved Community

In Unitarian Universalist circles, the term “building beloved community” is often used. Join us as we spend time reflecting on how these words has relevance for us as a community.