Speaker: Rev. Samaya Oakley

SamayaRev. Samaya Oakley has been the Minister of the South Fraser Unitarians since August 2016. She received her Masters of Divinity from the Vancouver School of Theology and has worked with Unitarian Universalist communities at the local, national and continental levels for the past twenty years.

Learn more about Rev. Samaya.

Rolling Away the Stone – A Unitarian Perspective

As the story is told, each Easter morning, the stone has been rolled away from the tomb. Each of the Gospels have a different story about how that happened, and yet there is significance to the fact that it did. This service will reflect on what this means for us as Unitarian Universalists.

The Music of kd Lang

This service carries on with our series of examining the life and spiritual influences of musicians of the day. Come and experience the music of kd Lang and be prepared to sing and dance along!

Let’s Play Ball!

Join us for our first ever service that honours baseball season! What can we learn about the game of baseball that can help us make meaning of our lives and our congregation! Don’t forget to wear your baseball hats! What would baseball be without popcorn! Join us for board games after the service.

The Life of Buddha

As many faith traditions begin to examine who they are in a constantly changing world, many are turning to the practice of Buddhism to see their way through. This service reflects on who the Buddha was, is, and can be for us as Unitarian Universalists.

The Spark Between

In this congregation we come together to be nourished, energized, and warmed by the spark that lives between us. How do we tend to that spark knowing that we each come broken and perfectly whole? Join us for a service that illuminates who we are and what we do.

All Will Be Well

In a world in the midst of great pain and suffering, Julian of Norwich’s message has as much relevance today as it did in the 12th century. Her message, “all will be well” has universal appeal.

Thresholds of Change

We celebrate being 30 years old as a congregation this week! We are on the brink of a threshold as a congregation heading into a new decade of being, and as a society that is letting go of how the world has operated and not knowing what exists on the other side of the threshold. This service explores how we can find meaning and purpose with an open heart working for love and justice in the world.

Coming Through the Pandemic, with Rev. Samaya Oakley

If there is one thing we have learned about living with COVID, it is that we can’t go it alone. While we may be required to physically distance, we know that we need each other like we have never done before. It’s the power of community that helps us recover the ability to stand before nature with awe and not arrogance. Just as we need each other, South Fraser Unitarians need each one of us to be sustained and nourished. Join us for the kick-off to our annual canvas.

Pet Blessing

We take time once a year with this formal ceremony to give thanks and bless our companions in life. You are invited to bring your well-behaved pets be they cats and dogs, birds and chickens, turtles and fish and so much more – or a … read more.