Speaker: Rev. Samaya Oakley

SamayaRev. Samaya Oakley has been the Minister of the South Fraser Unitarians since August 2016. She received her Masters of Divinity from the Vancouver School of Theology and has worked with Unitarian Universalist communities at the local, national and continental levels for the past twenty years.

Learn more about Rev. Samaya.

The Tragic Gap

How does one move through the difficult times in life? This service explores the tragic gap and the spiritual tools that can be used to move through these times in our lives.

A Faith Worth Failing For

We often talk about Unitarian Universalism as a transformational faith – and yet to be transformed means to take a risk. How is it that we are adverse to taking such risks when it comes to widening the circle of who we are as a community? Join Revs. Shana Lynngood and Samaya Oakley for a service that explores mistakes we’ve made and how we can learn from them to become the transformational faith we proclaim to be.

Building a New Way

This service explores what lessons our Universalist ancestor, John Murray, has for us as we work to build a better world.

The Lorax

The Lorax – As we engage the theme of resilience, what message does The Lorax by Dr. Seuss have for us today? The idea of “birth, growth, death and renewal” has been with us since the time of Ancient Greece. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus says that the only constant in life is change, and so we’ll explore the ways in which resilience through the ages has helped humanity come to terms with life and its ever-changing nature.

In the Beginning

As we move into 2021, we take time to reflect what it means to live in a time worthy of despair and how it is the price we pay for being awake and alive in this time. We’ll explore creation stories and how they might guide us during these times.

Recapturing the Awe of Christmas

Join us for our first Christmas Eve service that focuses on how the story of the birth of Jesus inspires awe in our hearts and lives. This service starts at 4:00 pm and is expected to be half an hour in length. For over thousands of years people have gathered on the eve of Winter Solstice to celebrate the rebirth of the sun. Today we gather to be nurtured and held during the longest night and begin to look forward to the light returning. From out of the darkness and cold, light and hope return. Join us as we slow down, sit in silence together and rest when the wheel turns.

A Solstice Service for the Season

For over thousands of years people have gathered on the eve of Winter Solstice to celebrate the rebirth of the sun. Today we gather to be nurtured and held during the longest night and begin to look forward to the light returning. From out of the darkness and cold, light and hope return. Join us as we slow down, sit in silence together and rest when the wheel turns.

The Magic of Awe

Can you feel it? Can you see it? The magic of the season, the magic of awe is all around us. Join us for a service that explores the magic of awe that can crack our hearts open to the holy.

Awaiting Awe

Awaiting Awe
What is our Unitarian perspective and history in this season, this season of “advent, of waiting, for our Christian cousins? Can we too prepare our hearts for the birth of new life/ideas, new ways of being, new possibilities?

All In for Climate Justice

Join us this Sunday as we engage in the Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office annual service. This year’s theme is All in for Climate Justice: People, Power, Planet. The term “climate justice” invites us to consider the climate crisis from the perspective of politics, social justice, and human rights, rather than simply a scientific, physical phenomenon. The fact of climate change has far more than meteorological implications: It will change the way that most species on Earth live. We recognize this as a justice issue because of the possibilities to organize and respond to the climate crisis in a way that prioritizes the needs of those people and communities that are most vulnerable. Rather than examining the scientific causes, impacts, and solutions, this year’s United Nations Sunday theme invites us to explore the human causes, impacts, and solutions.